steven pinker reddit ama

m. james points out (thanks, m. james!) that steven pinker will be doing a reddit ama (“I am a…”) on march 12th @6:00 p.m. et.

as m. says:

“Reddit is a liberal hive and HBD-supportive comments get downvoted and buried. (basically anything that says that parenting/education/culture isn’t always that important and genes matter too). I thought it would be nice to maybe get a bunch of questions prepared to ask him, hopefully early on in the thread….

“anyway, people should create an account and ask away. to get in early, the celebrities usually start the thread a half hour earlier than the assigned time, so you can look at the newly created threads here and keep refreshing the page until it shows up.”

can’t say as i disagree with any of that. (^_^)

in addition, i would suggest that everybody avoid asking “hostile” questions. pinker is no (heh) blank slater — he’s practically an hbd’er. i think we should just pitch him some easy ones, so he can hit them right out of the park to the amazement of the crowds. make it a pleasant experience for all those lil’ redditors who might find hbd to be icky. (^_^)

so, put it in your calendars: tuesday, march 12 @6:00 p.m. et — steven pinker reddit ama. get there early to sign in or create an account for yourself if you don’t already have one.

(note: comments do not require an email. not my hat. not me, either.)


  1. Not to imply that our hostess isn’t perfect but I believe AMA is “Ask Me Anything”.

    But yeah, reddit is a cesspool.


  2. @polynices – “Not to imply that our hostess isn’t perfect but I believe AMA is ‘Ask Me Anything’.”

    (^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

    well THAT explains why the guests always seem to say, “Ask me anything”! (^_^)

    (where the h*ll did i get “I am a…” from? i could’ve sworn i saw that somewhere. prolly too much red, red wine…. (~_^) )


  3. @luke – “What softballs did you have in mind?”

    i’m actually having a hard time thinking of any. i was hoping you guys would come up with some good ones. (~_^)

    if i go on there, i’m likely to start rambling something about inbreeding and clans and why didn’t he take that into account in Better Angels … which won’t make any sense at all, of course.

    gotta think of something else….


  4. @luke – “What softballs did you have in mind?”

    what would be nice, for instance, would be to ask him some hbd questions that he could confirm so that the lil’ redditors could discover — from someone they respect and trust — that there is, indeed, biodiversity in the human species. not sure what would make sense to ask him, though.


  5. “@6:00 p.m. et.”


    about “hostile questions” – i don’t want that to happen. i just thought this is an awesome opportunity to expose redditors to things they normally just ignore, cause pinker hasn’t shied away from some taboo questions (e.g. he said the ashkenazi IQ hypothesis was plausible, in the Blank Slate said some things about rape that people don’t like to hear, and also came up with a list of taboo questions (here:


  6. @m. james – “about ‘hostile questions’ – i don’t want that to happen. i just thought this is an awesome opportunity to expose redditors to things they normally just ignore….”

    agreed! (^_^) thanks again for pointing it out.


  7. I found it blackly comic how many questions (which Pinker did not answer) were about causes if depression and cures for depression


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