muslim nations’ inbreeding levels and iqs

using m. saadat’s numbers again, just look at the inbreeding coefficients and iqs for these muslim nations … and the u.s. for comparison:

sheesh. keeping in mind the cousin marriage conundrum, can anyone in their right mind really anticipate that democracy and a flowering modern economy (fwtw) will happen anytime soon in any of those countries??

all of the nations in this chart have inbreeding coefficients like those found between second to third cousins. here’s my cheat sheet on inbreeding coefficients [source]:

yeah. good luck with that whole democracy building thing.

update 03/05: bruce comments – “As a comparison, I have heard traditionally Icelanders are ‘in-bred’ in the sense that they are all related and know their degree of relatedness – do you happen to know the coefficient for Iceland? (the average IQ is almost certainly around 100 or just below).”

ask and ye shall receive! (~_^) (correction: almost. see my comment below.)

according to helgason, et. al. — the guys who looked at inbreeding in the icelandic population and found that marrying your third cousin results in the most offspring — well, here’s what they had to say:

“Our data indicated that there has been a decrease by a factor of 10 in mean kinship between Icelandic couples during the past two centuries, from 0.005 for couples with females born 1800 to 1824 to 0.0005 for those born 1950 to 1965 (Table 1). This is equivalent to a change from couples being related on average between the level of third and fourth cousins to couples being related on average at the level of fifth cousins.”

don’t have any data for more recent marriages, but i doubt if the icelanders are marrying their cousins more now than in the 1950s/60s. so, the most recent inbreeding kinship coefficient we’ve got for icelanders is equivalent to those found between fifth cousins while, like i said, all the muslim countries above have inbreeding coefficients like those found between second to third cousins. the icelanders didn’t even have that in the 1800s.

keep in mind, also, that much of the arab|muslim world has been inbreeding like this — very specifically marrying their first-cousins — since before muhammad came on the scene. so, there’s inbreeding (like the icelanders) — and then there’s inbreeding.

btw, the icelandic inbreeding coefficients from the 50s/60s are similar to those found parts of italy and spain up through the 80s.

(note: comments do not require an email.)


  1. As a comparison, I have heard traditionally Icelanders are ‘in-bred’ in the sense that they are all related and know their degree of relatedness – do you happen to know the coefficient for Iceland? (the average IQ is almost certainly around 100 or just below).


  2. > from 0.005 for couples with females born 1800 to 1824 to 0.0005 for those born 1950 to 1965 (Table 1). This is equivalent to a change from couples being related on average between the level of third and fourth cousins to couples being related on average at the level of fifth cousins.”

    How come this doesn’t sound right? My second cousin is up one, two to my grandparent, over one to his sibling, and down one, two to my second cousin. That’s five separations at 0.50 relatedness each, or 1/(2^5) = 1/32. My third cousin is one more separation going up at 0.50 and one more coming down, hence 1/128. 1/128 > 0.005… so 0.005 is between fourth and fifth cousins, not between 3rd and 4th.

    Wik’s got my back:

    Dude probably just made an error of inattention.


  3. @rs – “How come this doesn’t sound right?”

    it doesn’t sound right because it ISN’T right! and it’s my bad. (i’m gonna go ahead and blame it on typing that up before my morning coffee….)

    you’re right. helgason, et. al. are talking about kinship coefficients, not inbreeding coefficients. and they are, of course, two different things.

    the relationships are correct as they have described them. it’s just me being retarded. *blushes*

    (note: fixed in post.)


  4. It’s not just inbreeding, it’s also their sub-Saharan admixture, which correlates with lower IQs, from the trans-Saharan slave trade and taking black concubines.


  5. It has nothing to do with inbreeding. Richard Lynn measured North African IQs by measuring Moroccan immigrants in the Netherlands, who live in ghetto conditions on social welfare. He has not conducted a study on North African IQs and his readings are estimates. MENA born in Canada have IQ equal to Europeans and so do Turks.

    As for democracy, Tunisia achieved democracy 50 years after independence from colonization. Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are still pseudo-democratic ‘democracies’. There’s a lot of hate for Muslims given their recent status in the world since the collapse of the Ottoman empire in WW1, so maybe that isn’t recognized.

    The cradle of civilization is MENA and MENA was the center of civilization for multiple millennia.

    Irish in Ireland are 93 IQ. Irish-Americans are 107 IQ. The difference in IQ of west and east Germans was 17 points in 1970.

    I’m MENA myself. Among Caucasian populations, there is no difference in average genetic IQ.


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